Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Sir Galonors Writes to His Sister

To the Lady Guinerant at Woodford Manor, in Salisbury, be this letter take.

In the year of our lord Jesus Chrystos, five-hundredd and thyrty-fyve.

My dearest sister I brynge greetynges from Camelot and have a tale of wonderment to relayte. Whilst were I servinge the court as Justicier, our glourious Kinge Arthur, Rex Imperator of Britain, France, and Roma, didst call all His Nobles to council to beare witness to the comynge of the Kyng of Overthere and his Retynue. My sister never wouldst you have imagined such a hoste! All wert dressed in the finest Samite of colours gay and becrusted wyth jewels of manye hues. Even the courtiers of the Holy City of Roma, when I wert there in convelescence, did not dress as fyne.

I also brynge straynge and wondrous news of grayte importe. You, my dearest sister, who art in my confydence and who knowest all my secrets, shall alone in our family know that I didst see she whomst I met long ago, before ere I met my dearlye departed wyf Allys of Burcombe. Yes, with the Hoste of the Kyng of Overthere was the Lady Eleanor le Fey, of the Citye of Glass, in the Kyngdom of Listeneisse. Apparentlye she is of a howse that is vassel unto the Kyng of Overthere and she didst come in train with the ladyes therein. I had discourse wyth the faire Lady Eleanor le Fey and she didst ask me to follow her unto her own land. To be sure, my dearest sister, I had grayte intention and desire to leave wyth her, but my obligayshuns to my lord, Sir Robert, and to you, my family, were too grayte. Thus, it is my goal to fynde my lady faire and bring her unto Woodford to be my wyf. Even now I am off on adventure with a goodlye companye of knights on behalfe of a vassel of the Kyng of Overthere. I am hopeful that the successful completshun of this quest will brynge me closer to Lady Eleanor le Fey.

I hope this letter fynds you, our brother Owen, and our sisters three in goodly health, and more oft I pray that the wet nurses for my children Allyn and Henia give goodly suck. Know also that I am ever in search for a goode husband for you, and know that your paytience shall be rewarded thricefold.

God make thee a goode woman and keep to the tendyngs of Woodford.

Always your


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