Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Sir Mortimer writes
My Dear Wife, Lady Ysabet--
I have found a man of the cloth willing to write this letter I dictate to you, dearest. I hope you have had word before now from your brother the good Sir Trently that I am alive, if not exactly well. I must say, I am becoming quite the conniseur of prisons. I find this one less to my liking than even a Cornish cell. It seems I am still remembered less than fondly here in Silchester.
But I live, and if the duchy has not heard the news, and this is the first you have heard of our little army since we set out for Levcomagus, it is with deep sadness and regret that I must report that our stalwart Marshall was killed in the field of battle. Oh, how I wish the crits had come our way instead of from the dice of that traitorous scoundrel Duke Ulfius! Alas. At the very least, Sir Ebble died in battle, on horseback, and had the satisfaction of sacking Levcomagus before the end in the Forest of Chute.
See to the ordering of our manors as we discussed over the winter, dear wife. Rely on my men for guidance, and give service to the Regent. I will see you...well, when I see you. I am happy to report that I personally dealt Ulfius a critical blow with my sword before being overcome, though that will not hasten my release, I'm afraid.
Courage, dearest! Stand firm against the Saxon horde and its scrufulous allies.
Your lord and husband,
Best quote of the night
"I want my guy alive again!