Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Sir Galonors Write to His Brother

To Sir Dafyd ap Henias, in Guinnon, be this letter take in all hayste.

Be noted that it is the Year of Our Moste Graycious Lord, Jesu Christus, 534.

My moste noble brother, in this letter find grayte sorrow in the news of the untimely death of my wyf, Allys of Burcombe, who in byrthing did die. The childe, a son, wert born in good health, and he shall hight Allyn ap Galonors, in due honor of Allys who art in Heaven with Jesu and the Ayngels.

I am in hayste to dictate this note to this here scrybe, for I am to be inducted to serve as Justiciar in the Court of Kyng Arthyr, Imperator Rex of All Britain, France, and Italy. It is a grayte honor, but one tempered by the loss of my dearly devoted spowse.

I look to our meetynge again soon, and prey for my health, for our brother Owen's health, and for the health of our sister's four. Also give spaycial prayer to my children, Allyn and Henia, who art in grayte innocence.

With brotherly admyraytion,

Your brother,


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