Tuesday, September 26, 2006

527: Sir Galonors Writes Home

To the Lady Irance Galonors of Woodford Manor in Salisbury, Logres be this letter take.

In the Year of Our Lord, Jesu Christi, Five Hundred Eight and Twenty

To mine well-beloved mother I greet you well, and advise you to think onst of the day of my safe return to Woodford.

Since I left home I have stayed in the Citye of Parris and wert garde there. Not until God saw to playce me in Glorye at the Battle of Saussy under Sir Mortimer, Marshall of Salisbury, did I take wound, but twer naught badly so, and I there witnessed the Victory of Arthur over his enemye Lucius Imperator of Rome.

I wert wounded gravely at the gaytes of Milano and only by the goodly ministraytions of the Sisters of Mercye there were I able to dictate this letter at all. There I rested for the for manye monthes and I am now fayred well in the Hospice of St. Maria Benefactrix in the Holy City of Rome, whereupon Arthur is now Crowned Rex Imperator, blessed be his name!

Know mine mother that I send six Libra of silver and three mounts of goode qualitye with the Legionary Poste, accompanyed by a goode Salisbury man named Ifus who lost his right hand at Milano. He is to staye at Woodford upon his lysure to take reste until he sees fit to departe to his owne playce near Sarum.

God make you a good woman, and send God's blessing and mine to you and my brother Dafyd and my sisters four, and know that I return with the goode tyde upon Wynter's end of this year.

Written in haste at Rome the Thursday after Candlemass Day.

By your son Guisedern Galonors

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